Trampoline Insurance

Everything You Should Know about Trampoline Insurance 2022

Trampoline is a popular must-have for most families with kids. Jumping and flipping help kids grow up healthily and happily! You may probably have already brought such a trampoline home. Your kids love it very much and jump on it almost every day. Everything seems perfect, however, here's a little something else — though not very serious — you may need to know about trampoline insurance!

Why You Should Have A Basic Background on Trampoline Insurance?

We all don't like bad things to happen, but it has to be admitted that there are indeed some children who may be injured on a trampoline, although the probability is small. When there is someone to be injured on your property, though not your children but his friends or your neighbor’s kids, you or your homeowners' health insurance company may contact them to collect money for health care costs.

Does Having a Trampoline Increase Insurance?

As have mentioned above, when there is someone to be injured on your trampoline, you may have to pay for that. However, does have a trampoline increase insurance? Not exactly! Trampolines may be not allowed by some insurance companies. You need to read your homeowners' insurance policy carefully to check whether they cover trampolines or not. 

Which Insurance Providers in the US Allow Trampoline?

The truth is — most of the insurance providers in the US may not allow trampoline. However, there are still more insurance providers may allow covering your trampoline, including but may not be limited to the following providers may allow covering your trampoline under the homeowner’s insurance policy. 

  • Nationwide
  • Allstate
  • Farmers
  • Amica
  • Progressive
  • State Farm
  • Liberty Mutual

Each of them has their own requirements, you’d have to adhere to before you receive coverage. 

How Much Does Trampoline Insurance Cost?

If the trampoline is excluded from your homeowner's insurance, of course you will not be charged. If it is covered, then the fee is included in the entire fee of your homeowner's insurance. On an average, the price is about  $1,680 per year and $140 per month — but the cost of coverage varies significantly based on state laws, your home's location and the cost to rebuild.

How to Know Whether Trampolines are Covered or Not?

Trampoline Insurance

The only way to get an answer of this is to ask the insurer in direct. First, you have to figure out which insurance provider your homeowner is cooperated with. Then, you can phone an insurer of this provider for more details. Even if trampolines are not covered yet, you can ask whether if you can include it in. If it is still unavailable, change to another provider.

What to Do to Get A Trampoline Insurance — Choose A Trampoline with Enclosure Net & Pad

There is no such insurance called trampoline insurance, and thus you cannot get a trampoline insurance. Therefore, you may not be able to get a trampoline insurance alone. However, it may be covered in your homeowners' insurance if their insurance provider does not specifically exclude trampolines. 

Some requirements may be asked in this case, such as putting up a safe enclosure net, assemble a pad to cover the springs. Even without such a requirement, having a trampoline with safety nets and mats may get better insurance rates than a trampoline without these.

More Tips to Avoid Trampoline Insurance Problems

The best way to avoid trampoline insurance problems is — to make sure everything happen safe and happy! If there is no injure or damage happened, trampoline insurance won't come in handy.

  1. Follow the one-child-one-time rule. 

Injuries rarely happen, and only when there are multiple jumpers at the same time. Everyone has their own jumping routine, which can lead to crowding accidents.

  1. Make sure your kids are under well supervision during their jumping on the trampoline.
  2. Adhere to the weight limit of your trampoline. If you haven’t bought a trampoline, you can pick one with high weight capacity.
  3. Adding a fence around your yard to avoid the possibilities that your neighbor’s kids run into your trampoline and get hurt on it when you are not at home.
  4. Tell your homeowner’s insurance company that you have a trampoline when you bring it home, so that your homeowner can update his or her insurance. 
  5. Please ensure the trampoline insurance is up-to-date.


You now have a basic understanding of trampoline insurance, and I believe you can reduce a lot of trouble in the future. In addition to your trampoline, please note that other recreational equipment, such as swimming pools and play forts, have similar insurance concerns. When asking the insurance provider for help, you are suggested to check whether them all are included in the insurance or not.

Finally, Zupapa again remind safety first! We all love the happy jumping memories in the backyard, and that’s the reason we bring a trampoline to our kids. 

Safe jumping, happy life!